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Forum Posts

David W. Manzo
May 26, 2023
In Share Your Memory
We would often kid Tim, that he was "the greatest overthinker of our generation" and there was some truth to that. But Tim often saw issues from angles that others missed or were too impatient to fully explore. I miss those conversation in person, on the phone or over dinner. Blessed by his friendship. This is also a photo from his retirement party at Doyle's in Jamaica Plain.
“The Greatest Overthinker Of Our Generation” content media
David W. Manzo
May 26, 2023
In Share Your Memory
Tim was an amazing work friend to so many of us. A thoughtful leader who was always willing to share insights and give support. This is a photo of his friends from the special ed world in Massachusetts - from left to right - Dave Manzo (COMPASS and Cotting Schools), David Hirshberg (Germaine Lawrence School), Vinny Strully (New England Center for Children) and, of course ... Tim So many lessons learned from Tim In the early days of Chapter 766, some school leaders, like Tim, took great personal risks to give birth to day and residential treatment centers. Tim took a struggling for-profit entity and turned it into Brandon, a thriving non-profit and even personally guaranteed lines of credit so that his staff could get paid, risks that would not be taught in schools of management but were necessary during the early days of our industry. Tim planted the seed and cultivated the world that is Brandon today. He grew the campus and the programs, carefully purchasing quality housing and developing an effective staff to address the complex needs of Brandon’s students. While leading Brandon and raising his family with Mary (who led nursing services at Brandon), Tim went on to Boston University, first to receive his doctorate and later to teach in their school of management. For many years Tim served on the Boards of MAAPS and the Children’s League of Massachusetts. Timothy Michael Callahan will live on in the hearts of all he met. Anyone who ever heard his beautiful laugh will hear it forever!
Best Friends content media
David W. Manzo
May 26, 2023
In Share Your Memory
An amazing family man! I love this photo, so in love with his Mary, Morgan and Devin!!!
Tim’s Retirement Party at Doyle’s content media

David W. Manzo

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